Monday, 4 November 2013

Ya Haven't Heard From Me In A While...

It's been a minute and some days.  When you last heard from me consistently, we were more focused on #Localove, where I post a local character who's "so and so" had inspired me, give a couple of words about how it's genius, and share a link.  Before then, everything was opinionated, controversial, and incredibly grammatically incorrect.  Now, my last serious post was under the title, "When It All Becomes Home", a smaller article about familiarity that comes with one's chosen art. There were supposed to be follow-ups on different individuals, sharing their own story on what makes their art form "home" for them. Quite honestly, it was the first big response I had ever gotten out of the cyber realm.  What happened?

To say the least, Forty5th was about to expand. Sad to say, expansion for a less tangible entity isn't as sporadic as we're all so compelled to expect. On my long and untraditional hiatus, I took to the road and became a full-time spoken word artist. I've been to Detroit, New York City, Kentucky, and at least three different cities in Ohio.  For that short and beautiful year, I met people who would show me talent, hustle, passion, kindness, and many other human aspects from an entirely new spectrum.  While disappearing from home, periodically, I was able to be a fly on the other side of the window. After each trip, Indianapolis has never looked so fragile, precious, pathetic, and unfinished in my 23 years of living here.  Each city gave me her energy, in exchange of my analysis.  Detroit, being my favorite, showed me that when people are deprived and tired of it, they WILL learn gratitude. Never have I ever witnessed such a well-rounded, family oriented poetry scene. Say what you want about their crime rate and economy, but my God is it beautiful in Detroit.  N.Y. will always buzz around in my memory like 24 hour subway stations and corner stores. All of it's brilliant lights, and attractions.  Quick story, we were walking down Broadway, and a guy in a coat brushes past me. I noticed an envelop on the ground. Out of it, were what I would guess was 30 hundred dollar bills.  I did the "Indianapolis" thing and caught up with the guy to give it back...  Even he looked at me like, "That should've been yours, foo!" Back to the thesis, all of these cities gave me something special to take back home with me.  The road was amazing, but nonetheless, one cannot make a foundation if he can't sit still. So here I am, back on my clunky and convenient laptop, tapping away at a keyboard, somewhere in the center of Crown Hill, to tell you Welcome Back.

And now... We elevate....

Full Metal Alchemist
Pope Adrian Bless


  1. beautiful! I love your description of the different cities' buzz and influence in your mind... it's the same for me and the places I've been. I especially love your words on New York and share your fascination with Detroit. Just visited there and was impressed with how much grassroots organizing is happening there among folks like Yusef Shakur, the Boggs Center, and the Heidelberg Project. Welcome back Theon, I'm so glad you're my neighbor! (oh, and blogs are HARD to keep up, so props for making one more post :p )

  2. Yo no matter where you go and what you do you will always come back to your city even if your not here physically your here spiritually your mind will always bring you back home this was nice to read let me know when ever you do a poetry reading here in indy would be nice to attend aint been to one in years

  3. This was honest. Hello, again.
